Monday, November 24, 2014

Rainbow Dotted Mani Monday

Hello and welcome to this week's Mani Monday! This week we're doing a fun, but time consuming, dotted manicure. My friend from work was my stunt nails again (thank you!) and I'm blaming all my blurry photos on her inability to sit still. This manicure took me about an hour to do, but that's including taking pictures and some chatting. But just to be on the safe side give yourself an hour to do the whole manicure.

To do this manicure you will need:

  • A base color. I used that robin's egg blue I love so much
  • A rainbow of colors, I used red, orange, green, blue, and purple
  • A dotting tool or toothpicks
  • Piece of paper
  • Clear top coat
  • Nail polish remover and swabs/q-tips

First things first is your base color. I did three coats so it was opaque and streak free, but that will depend on what nail polish brand you use and the specific color. Make sure you let this completely dry before moving onto the next step.

Using your dotting tool of choice, dot the red nail polish (which you put a blob of onto your piece of paper for easy access) onto the top section of your nails. I like to do a combination of a larger and smaller dots just to shake up the texture. Let this dry completely before moving onto the next step.

Now you are going to do the same thing with the orange, slightly overlapping the red dots with the orange dots. It should look like a fade from the red to the orange. Make sure there are orange dots completely by themselves so the next color can start there too. Let this completely dry before you move onto the next step.

Now do the same thing with the green, slightly overlapping the orange and extending down like we did with the orange. Let this dry completely before moving on.

Now do the same thing with the blue.

And then the purple. 

Let them dry completely then top with the clear coat and clean up the edges with some nail polish remover. And you are all done! 

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