Saturday, September 27, 2014

Weekend Tips and Tricks

Last weekend of September, and its finally fall yay! Time to bust out the sweaters and scarves and my boots. Autumn is my favorite season, so I'm super happy right now. Here are some tips and tricks to help your days go a little smoother.

Tip #1: Teeth less than pearly white but no time to bleach them? Use a blue based lipstick (like a great vampy purple) to make them appear whiter than they really are. Yellow based lipsticks will make them look yellower so keep that in mind as well.

Tip #2: Nail polish getting a little dried out? Put a few drops of nail polish remover in it to help thin it out and make it easier to apply.

Tip #3: Your mascara should be replaced every 3 to 6 months. Bacteria from your eyes will grow in it, making it dry and clumpy looking and increase your risk of an eye infection. This is why you don't use the "eye drops to thin your mascara out" trick. If the mascara is dry and clumpy it means it's a petri dish of nasties and you really need to toss it.

Tip #4: With Halloween approaching, make sure you test your skin for sensitivities or allergies before you walk out in that awesome zombie makeup. Apply any makeup or latex or glue to your inner elbow, the skin there is sensitive like your face. If you get no rash, hives, skin melting off, or blisters after 24 hours you are good to go and can use it safely typically.

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