Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Donut Forget Your Place!

I'm on Instagram pretty often (are you following me?), and I follow quite a lot of different accounts. About a month ago an account I adore called imalilcupcake posted the CUTEST little paperclip bookmarks she had made and I knew I had to make some of my own. With her permission this is part one of my take on the paperclip bookmark. I say part one because about halfway through writing this post I realized if I stuck the instructions for ALL of the bookmarks I made it would be a novel. So I'm breaking them up into a post per bookmark. This week I'll be showing you how to make an adorable little donut paperclip bookmark.

To make these Donut Bookmarks you will need:

  • Felt. You can get it pretty cheap at any craft supply shop or fabric store. I do a lot of crafts so I had a whole box full of felt already. I used dark brown and a light pink felt for this bookmark.
  • Fabric glue. You can use a hot glue gun but I always end up burning myself so I used Tacky Glue instead.
  • Large paperclips. The only place I found jumbo sized ones that weren't coated was at my local Staples.
  • Scissors, needle, thread that matches your felt.
  • Fabric paint and a small paint brush. These can be found at any craft store and most of my local fabric stores also carry them now. If you cannot find any acrylic paint will work in a pinch.

Step One: Trace a circle onto your donut felt, in this case the dark brown. I found that my Ulta nail polish bottle was the perfect size for my paperclips. Repeat this a second time so you have two circles.

Step Two: Cut the two circles out and double check that they match. You don't want to discover they don't line up after you've already glued then into place.

Step Three: To prevent the paperclip from detaching from the felt during repeated use, do a few stitches to keep it in place. Place them at the very top of the paperclip, making sure to tie it off well.

Step Four: Now that the paperclip is secured in place, apply a generous layer of your glue of choice. Make sure the glue goes to the edges so it doesn't split apart eventually.

Step Five: Place the second circle of felt onto the glued side and press them together. The paperclip should now be sandwiches between the two pieces of felt. I think it kind of looks like an Oreo at this point.

Step Six: Cut out a blobbly shaped circle smaller than your donut circles out of your frosting color, in this case my light pink. You want it small enough that you can see the donut color all around it.

Step Seven: Apply a layer of glue to the icing piece and press it onto your donut piece. It should now start to look like an actual donut. Let the glue dry for a while before you move onto the next step.

Step Eight: Using a few different colors of your fabric paint, paint on short little dashes. These are your sprinkles. I used blue, red, yellow, and green so my donut would match one of my favorite types. Let everything dry completely (I recommend overnight) and your bookmark is all ready to go! I'll be using mine in my planner to mark some important dates for work I need to keep track of.

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